
Feb 5, 2013


This Christmas I was lucky to have enough time and money for a quick trip down to Mexico, the destination was Tlapacoyan and the Alseseca River. All in all I managed to paddle eight of the nine days we where there, missing only one day because I was sick. I paddled a few sections on the Alseseca and also did a section on the Filo Bobos and the Upper Jalacingo, overall water levels were a little below optimum making the Jalacingo and the Roadside Alseseca a little bony but the Big Banana section had enough water and was the highlight of the trip. Meat Locker was my favorite rapid of the trip, challenging to run perfectly but with really low consequences. My first run down it I thought I had run it perfectly but was backendered at the bottom. On my second run I stuck my line.

It would have been great to stick around for the race but alas my final semester of school was calling. Here is a writeup, some pics and a video of the race.

Thanks to Adam Goshorn for a couple of the pics.

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