2011 season starts!! Hyyyypa!!

Mar 24, 2011

We were waiting for and yeah it comes, THE RAIN!!!
Southern wind always brings rain in the Cévennes Region (center southern France).
So we had to take our kayaks out and go boating in that beautiful region!!!

The program of that 1st creeking weekend of 2011 was my 1st solo descent of the Dourbie river and the Sources of the Tarn river.

Little stop at my Grand Parents place in Sainte Enimie, true heart of the Gorges du Tarn, for the lunch: sausage on sarment barbecue and rissole potatoes!! Hell yeah!!

Saturday 20th, I decided to do a solo descent of the Dourbie river.
A 1st time for me, I never did solo descent before...
Since the beginning of the descent, it wasn't as usual, my kayak didn't hit rock.
It looked like there was a bigger water level or I paddled worse...
When I arrived at the first steep section, I was under the water every where in the holes and boofs... WTF?? It wasn't the same as usual!!!

I stoped in a massive rock in the middle of the river... And i understand the why of the how...
There is way more water than usual... It's gonna be tight!!

The water scale probably moved in Le Mazet village, and the 1m of 2010 switchs in 1m30 or more...

Yep, it goes fat but for a solo descent I had to take out and walk back up to the car at midway of the river...
I'll try again that solo descent soon...

To read more, visit my blog http://valgrollemund2.blogspot.com/. In the meantime, here's some photos!

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