A wonderful trip in Morocco

May 17, 2013

Morocco !!!


After 7 years of delay, the trip is finally on !! The plan is to stay on location to scout and organize as well as possible. So Alex and I drove with the 5 boats on the roof and the rest of the crew meets us by plane in Marrakech later.


45h of driving and ferrying gets us to Tilouguite, further up Lake Bin El Ouidane. Amazing landscape all along the way. The village of TIolouguite was our base camp for the whole trip and it is a great starting point.

Bin El Ouidane LakeMorocco !!!

Tilouguite Village

Traveling around

One thing we learnt in Morocco : don't try to stick to a plan or schedule !!! You'll loose time, energy and money. Moving is slow and weather changes quickly. We've been super lucky and within one day of driving plus one day of donkey hiking, we've been able to spend 4 days on the water along 100km of class IV-V kayaking.

Classic Moroccan view
Awesome blue sky


From the top of Akka Tiflout, merging on the Assif Meloul, then on the Oued Ahensal. It's easy to get food on your way, you find many villages on on the riverside. Though, it is always good to have water filter, food supplies for 1 day at least and a lighter.

Lunch !! Bread and tuna
Easy times


Later on, we got lucky with the rain and been able to first D a small steep canyon in Tilouguite.

Scouting the canyon
And dropping
2Km of awesome slides
Stephane Pion Charging


And as a last mission, we decided to run the famous drop section on Oued Ouzoud downstream the huge waterfalls. It took us 2 days to get the authorization after driving 200km between : The Hydro Agency to the local authorities to the regional authorities to end up at the governmental authorities… But it was worth it and we then spent two days hitting those amazing drops in this amazing (but REALLY touristic) place.

Ouzoud Falls put in
Myself on one of the first drop
Alex going for some freestyle move
The crew enjoying


This has been an awesome trip and we'll come again since there is so much more to discover or rediscover !!!


Thanks to Beyo for accommodation, Moha and Lahoucine for guiding, Momo for the Ouzoud help !!!



Videos are coming soon !!!



Photos : Hugo Clouzeau, Stephane Pion, Louis Hetier, Mathieu Coldebella




Thanks guys for the trip


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